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© Copyright 2010 Partners of the project All rights reserved.

Contents and images on this website and all its linked pages are the property of the project partners and must not be copied, reproduced or otherwise distributed, except for non-commercial purposes subject to the restrictions set out in the copyright notices.
Whilst the Lead partner BSC Kranj endeavours to ensure that the information on its website is correct and up-to-date, it does not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor does it commit to ensuring that the website remains available constantly. BSC Kranj accepts no liability for any damage sustained as a result of reliance on inaccurate and incomplete information. BSC Kranj reserves the right to modify content on the site at any time without prior notice.

Authors of the photographs: Marjan Grm, Ciril Mlinar, Davo Preisinger, dr. Peter Skoberne, archive BSC Kranj, archive Občine Tržič, arhiv RMK / author Zupanc, archive RRA Koroška /author Tomo Jeseničnik, archive Zavoda RS za varstvo narave / authors Matjaž Bedjanič, Andreja Slameršek, Tadeja Šubic, archive Zavoda za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, Primož Štamcar, Stanko Koblar, archive Arge NATURSCHUTZ.